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Spiritual Summer Series: Crystal Healing & Grid Work (zoom)

Many spiritual souls and practitioners are drawn to the healing vibrations of crystals, but how does it all work? In this workshop, we will learn about crystal vibrations, colors, shapes, and lattice patterns. The knowledge attained during this class will allow you to strategically and intuitively select crystals for Reiki sessions, meditation sessions, protection, and cleansing. At the end of class, we will learn about the patterns of sacred geometry and how to create a crystal grid.

A PowerPoint presentation and additional PDF reference sheets will be provided.

When: 6/25 from 10-11:30am
Exchange: $35 Zelle, Venmo or card
To prepare: A journal, water and any crystals you’d like to work with

June 20

Oracle/Tarot Circle (zoom)

July 2

Spiritual Summer Series: Healing Hand Mudras (zoom)